We all know that painting is a great way to express your emotions. But do you know that you can use it to decor your home? Yeah, it is a great DIY home decor idea to add a feel to your home. Let’s begin the fun.
Whether it is acrylic, oil or pastel paint, knowing how to prepare the canvas for painting is important. One of the most important thing about preparing the canvas is knowing how much primer is required for preparing the base. There might be many questions in your head – whether your canvas should be of cotton or linen? How much primer is enough to create the base? How to tone the surface of the canvas? If you want answers to these questions, you are in the right place. In this article, we give you a detailed ground on how to prepare your canvas the right way for painting.
What is Your Type of Canvas?
Of all the canvas types, linen is the most expensive of them all. Most professional artists use linen canvas because of their high-quality material. A lot of artists even mention “on linen” below their painting, so you can imagine the demand of it. When you sell the painting, the collector will know the quality of it and it will add a bonus to the price of your canvas art but otherwise, a cotton canvas is not that bad either. Linen canvas has become a brand in itself amongst the professional artists but opting for cotton canvas is not that bad an option either. On top of that, the durability is not a big concern for either linen canvas or cotton canvas as they both use the similar primer. You can also make Custom Oil Painting from Photo. However, in the end, it is mostly about your preference and choice of work. Both the fabrics will give you similar feel and the choice of surface won’t be a big concern for you if you are good at your work.
The Surface
If you are someone who likes to experiment with things and like their own custom options then you could also make your own painting surface by buying rolls of linen or cotton depending on your preference and cut it out depending on how big you want the surface to be. You could glue it against a wooden panel for support on the backside. However, make sure that the fabric you use is a good quality one and also ensure that the wooden panel is solid enough to not break easily
Apply the Primer
Applying primer on the surface before you start painting is important to maintain smooth layering. Whether it be landscape painting, or portrait painting or wildlife painting – if you do not want your surface to water down, it is important to apply one layer of primer before you paint on the surface. Don’t be lazy about it! You can also do sanding after each layer to smoothen the surface further. A smooth application of primer before painting will help you to add any number of textures on the painting.
Add a Tone to the Canvas
It is not mandatory to paint on a white canvas. You can add a subtle tone to the canvas to accentuate the elements in the painting. For example, if you painting the night sky you could add a shallow grey tone to the entire canvas and give a night-like feel to the canvas already, before you begin the painting. You could add brighter colours over it to make the elements striking and likewise create the focal points and vanishing points on the canvas. The background will help to influence and accentuate the colours.
The excitement of getting a new canvas to start painting makes us forget the basic details that could help make our painting better. One such thing is preparing the canvas because the quality of your canvas has its direct impact on the quality of the painting. Simply follow these instructions and you will see the difference yourself. Happy Painting!