Epoxy flooring is one of the most popular finishes when it comes to surfaces and floorings. It is a top choice among homeowners for their garage floors because of its durability and aesthetic looks. With the help of commercial epoxy flooring contractors, you can turn a boring concrete flooring into something more beautiful while enhancing its durability.
What is Epoxy Coat?
Epoxy coating refers to a resin component combined with a hardener. It is applied hot to a surface such as concrete floors. It should be applied immediately for it to completely stick to the surface. There are two keys in order to make an epoxy coating successful – temperature and time of application. This makes the process a bit complex and if you are not sure whether you can do it right or not, it is best to ask a commercial epoxy flooring contractor to help you with your epoxy garage floor project.
Benefits of Epoxy Flooring
1. Highly Durable
The use of epoxy coating aims to enhance the existing durability of concrete floors. It is highly recommended for garage floors wherein heavy cars are expected to pass and park on them all the time. The epoxy coating produces cross-linked polymer structures that give it more strength as compared to raw concrete flooring. Commercial epoxy flooring is said to last up to two years.
Applying epoxy coating is also a good way to cover small cracks in a concrete slab. The coat also serves as another protection for the concrete flooring, allowing it to withstand extreme weather conditions far better than uncoated concrete flooring.
2. Cheaper in the Long Run
As you calculate your savings when it comes to garage flooring solutions, look far ahead. Don’t just consider the price of installation per square meter. Some garage flooring solutions might be cheaper but can only last for a few years. Always think of your garage flooring as an investment so you can choose the best investment to have.
In terms of maintenance and care, epoxy flooring requires less maintenance. It doesn’t require refinishing every year. A simple sweeping is also enough to keep its glossy surface as glossy as when it was first applied.
3. Versatile
Commercial epoxy flooring is resistant to water and moisture. This makes it a good flooring for areas where having a roof is impossible or in highly elevated areas where moisture is always present. It uses topical sealant, a seal that is known for preventing concrete degradation.
An epoxy flooring mixture is also known for its positive effect against oil, transmission fluid, and bleach. It is not just a good garage flooring option; it is also the best for places where cars are parked and repaired like car repair centers. Lastly, it is easy to clean and sanitize making it a great flooring option in hospitals and places where traffic is expected from big crowds.
4. Design
There are ways to make your concrete flooring aesthetically beautiful such as through stamping and painting and these are also possible with epoxy flooring. Epoxy flooring is now available in different designs and colors, giving it more edge for homeowners to consider it for their garage floors. Epoxy flooring can be shiny, smooth, elegant, and with personalized patterns. You can now say goodbye to your boring epoxy garage floor of the 60s and switch to a modern one that offers the same durability and strength.
Epoxy flooring is also known for reflecting light off the floor so if you are coming home late at night with no one to turn the light on, you can take advantage of this feature.
Note to Remember
Epoxy is no doubt a great option when it comes to flooring, yet you have to remember that it is slippery when wet. The solution is to texturize your epoxy garage flooring if you want to minimize possible slip accidents, especially if you often wash your car in your garage.
Applying epoxy to your floor is a complex process and it is best to have a professional do it. An incorrect mixture of your epoxy coating or incorrect application can give you substandard epoxy flooring that might not last for a decade, or even a few years. Also, when wet, epoxy tends to produce a strong smell.
Should You Consider Epoxy Flooring?
In general, the pros of having epoxy flooring always outweigh its cons. In fact, if budget is not an issue and you are looking for quality durable garage flooring, having commercial epoxy flooring is your best option. An epoxy garage floor that is well cured and installed can give your home a garage floor that will last for decades to come.