As you prepare to make your decision regarding which home builder that you have reached out to will be working to renovate or build your home, chances are good that you have some pretty pressing questions.
The best part is, a lot of these questions can easily be asked over the phone! One important thing to keep in mind is that you need to have a great idea of what kind of professional should you hire for your home remodel.
These questions ae meant to help you figure the answer out to that exact question!
Can you provide references?
Make sure to ask any workers that you are interested in hiring for references from past customers, clients, vendors, suppliers and subcontractors. Call every single one and make sure to ask them questions that are relevant to your upcoming project.
Do you guarantee your work?
Building codes do not always cover everything that is important to you and your build. For that reason, ask your builders what happens if their work isn’t up to your standards, even if it passes inspection.
How will you determine allowances?
To prevent you from spending tons of money out of pocket for finishes, fixtures and more, your home builder needs to set allowances that line up with your price point and budget from the start.
What type of wood do you use?
This might seem like an odd question, but different types of woods have different level of strengths and are used for different things. Using the wrong kind of wood for a certain type of function can lead to major structural problems. When it comes to the standard, engineered wood is the typical.
Do you use copper of plastic for plumbing pipes?
There are major advantages and disadvantages to using each material. For example, copper is more like to burst in freezing temperatures, so plastic is typically preferred if you live in a region that goes below freezing in the winter months.
How do you case your windows?
Of course this only applies if the renovation that you are having done requires new windows. Some questions to ask include whether they only offer a standard flat option or will they allow you to pick a custom or extended windowsill.
How do you design a garage?
If you are looking to get your garage extended or rebuilt, some common questions include is it heated square footage, do you do install, do you offer hot and cold water hookups, and do you require a post in a large garage? Not only is it useful to have the answers to these questions, but their answers also will shine a light on their expertise.
What kind of warranty do you offer?
It is important to get a warrant for your build in case something goes wrong, but you also want to make sure that you know about the length of the warrant, what it covers, and if there are any major exclusions.
Can I get that in writing?
Anything from warranty terms or discounts, make sure to have every aspect of what will go into your build in writing so that you can make sure you are covered if anything goes wrong.