Many of us dislike cleaning the bathroom because it requires us to go near the bathroom floor to remove those grime buildup and get rid of excess hair. But as much as the chore is widely hated, no one wants to have a powder room that gives off a nasty smell and is full of viruses and pathogens.
Maintaining a pristine bathroom may look like a big task, but there are simple things you can do daily that will help it stay clean for longer. Here, we highlight the little things you can do every day to have an organized and tidy bathroom:
1. Take care of splatter sooner
The bathroom sink can look worn out if you don’t do regular cleaning, so it’s important that you take 10 minutes of your time each day to ensure it is cleaned. One simple step you can take to make the job easier is to have a cleaning kit ready in your bathroom, so you can do a quick wipe of the sink and faucet after you use it.
To bring back the shine of your bathroom sink, use a vinegar solution made with equal parts water, and equal parts white vinegar. Take your microfiber cloth, spritz the sink, and give it a quick wipe. That way, the next time you use it, you see something tidy, rather than a sink that has hairs and toothpaste splatter.
Ideally, you should do a quick wipe of the bathroom sink after every use so that watermarks do not have a chance to become dry and harder to remove.
2. Organize bathroom cabinets
The clutter inside bathroom cabinets can get out of control if you don't pay attention to organizing all the things you store there. It's the part of the bathroom that many of us use as a catch-all for free samples we get on the mall, shampoos that are not used regularly, and all kinds of stuff that you just throw in there to use later. A good organization system for bathroom cabinets involves getting rid of anything you don't intend to use anymore. Set aside at least 10 minutes to empty the drawers and cabinets, and do it over a few days until you have less stuff stored in there.
3. Keep the shower area clutter-free
If you find yourself constantly maneuvering your way around stacks of products in your shower area, it may be time to start a decluttering project that is both easy and effective. Begin by sorting through the items you have in the area, and putting frequently used items in your bathroom countertop while you clean. You are then left with empty containers of facial cleanser, conditioner, and body wash that you can either recycle or dispose of.
In addition to these items, you also want to inspect bath brushes, washcloths, and razors to make sure they are still in good working condition. If they stink or looks beyond their prime, it may be better to toss them out to reduce the clutter.
Note: You don’t have to complete this decluttering project all in one day. Spread out the task over a few days, and allot around 10 minutes each day until the area is clutter-free.
4. Know when to call for assistance
Simple cleaning done daily can make a big difference in how your bathroom will look at the end of the day. However, you will find that there are bathroom cleaning tasks that take more time to finish. If you already have a lot on your plate, taking on chores such as disinfecting the toilet, removing cobweb and unclogging air vents can be overwhelming. For these tasks, you need the help of your most trusted bathroom cleaners who will do a more detailed cleaning and use cleaning solutions that are safe for you and even for pets.