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How to Update Home Decor on a Shoestring Budget

Home Decor Shoestring Budget

Just because you are tight on funds doesn’t mean you can’t make home improvements to make your rooms more functional or interesting. Here are five reasons to update your home decor:
Make your home your workspace.

Spend more time at home instead of going out to save money.

Stop the embarrassment of inviting friends over because they might laugh at your outdated look of your home.

Make the rooms more functional.

Raise the value and sales potential of your house.

With a little creativity and great determination, you can transform every room in your house on a budget and with ease with these budget-friendly tips to updating home decor.


Before you start decorating, clean your space and throw away any junks. While decorating is the enjoyable part, organizing your space, giving away items and selling stuff you don’t need will allow you to decorate more effectively and you could even make a little of cash to finance your decorating project! So let go of the things that you don’t want to use anymore.

Hang your curtains properly

Make the room look taller by hanging curtain rods and draperies at the ceiling. If your space is small this idea can be very important. Also, make sure to remove wrinkles from the curtains. Neat curtains are very pleasant to look at.

Get new pillow cases

You can change the vibe of a living room by getting new covers of throw pillows. You can purchase new covers for $4 to $6 per piece at Ikea or make your own if you know how to sew. A decorative fabric can only cost you between $2 and $20 per yard.

Paint one wall a different color

By painting one wall with a different color, you can provide a sense of form and architecture in a small space or highlight a focal point. A feature wall or accent wall definitely adds significance and excitement to the room.

Display attractive pieces

Display your fresh fruits on the table for a pop of color in your space. Showcase your photograph or personal artworks to make the living room come alive. You can also use sentimental objects to decorate your space. It’s incredible how a little glimpse of meaningful items can liven up a room.

Repair shoddy or broken decorations

Did you notice decors that were in poor shape while you were decluttering? It’s unpleasant to look at your decor when it appears shoddy or broken. But don’t toss them yet. Instead, find ways to fix or even repurpose the disrepair items. Fixing things that would otherwise end up in a landfill or preserving an heirloom is certainly worth the effort.
Embrace minimalism

It’s easy to save money if you avoid buying things as much as possible. So embrace a minimalist design. A space that is less cluttered feels much more tranquil. Your wallet will also thank you for it because you aren’t spending on decorations that cramp your space.
Hopefully, the above tips can help you to transform your abode with good style and with very little money to spend.

Author Bio
Jarmela Avelino is a blogger who enjoys writing about housekeeping, personal finance, and her opinion on great products. Her day job is an Associate Marketing at

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