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How to Remove Mold from Wood and What to Do When You Can’t

how to remove mold from wood

Did you know that approximately 70 percent of homes have mold? Is your house one of them?

Mold removal is a difficult job no matter what surface it’s on. However, figuring out how to remove mold from wood is particularly tricky.

If you need help handling mold growth on your home’s wood surfaces, keep reading. Listed below are some tips you can try today.

Mold Removal vs Mold Remediation: What’s the Difference?

When you start looking into mold removal services, you’ll likely see the term remediation pop up. What’s the difference between these two things?

Mold removal involves physically eliminating mold from an area. Mold remediation, on the other hand, focuses on bringing mold levels down to a natural level (one that’s not considered to be harmful).

Professionals argue that mold remediation is a more realistic goal because mold can never be totally removed. This is because airborne mold spores are so tiny. It’s impossible to get rid of all of them.

How to Remove Mold from Wood?

You might not be able to get rid of mold in your home altogether. However, you can bring down the total mold level so it’s safer for you and your family. Here are some tips to remove mold from wood, specifically:

1. Vacuum the Area

A good starting point is to vacuum the area where the mold is growing. Use a vacuum with a HEPA air filter to suck up mold spores and prevent them from escaping.

2. Use Dish Soap and Water

A solution of dish soap and water does a good job of killing mold spores if they’re relatively new and haven’t penetrated the wood. Start by mixing a teaspoon or so of dish soap in a spray bottle with water. Then, spray it on the wood surfaces, scrub away the mold, and wipe it dry with a clean towel.

3. Add Vinegar

White vinegar kills several different mold species and can be a good next step if dish soap isn’t getting the job done. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water, then spray it on the surface and let it dry for one hour before wiping it off.

4. Try Borax

If the white vinegar doesn’t work either, try using borax. Borax is an alkaline mineral salt that kills bacteria but is gentler than bleach.

Combine one tablespoon of borax with a cup of water. Then, apply it to the wood, scrub away the mold, and dry the wood with a fan or dehumidifier.

What to Do When You Can’t Remove Mold?

If you can’t remove mold on your own, it might be time to call in a professional. They have access to special tools and cleaning products that will do a better job of killing mold spores and bringing down total mold levels. They can also provide help with repairing items in your home that may be damaged due to moisture and mold exposure.

Say Goodbye to Mold Today

Now that you know how to remove mold from wood, it’s time to get to work. Give the tips outlined above a try today so you can say goodbye to the mold, replace what’s not salvageable, and enjoy a healthier home. Need more home repair tips? If so, head to the Improvement section of our site today.

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