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How to Clean a Bathroom in 10 Minutes

Clean a Bathroom

The sinks, showers, tubs, and toilets out bathrooms go through a lot each day. However, when it comes to cleaning our bathroom, it’s not as high on most people’s list of everyday chores. But, we all know they deserve special cleaning attention, after all that’s the only private space on our homes to unwind and relax after a hectic work day.

For those who think cleaning your bathroom is tedious and time-consuming and isn’t something that they can do now and then, here’s some good news. Today’s modern plumbing fixtures are designed to make cleaning a bathroom as easy as possible. Furthermore, you only need some simple tools, products, and some planning to clean your bathroom within 10 minutes. Yes, you heard that right – 10 minutes. Here’s how you can make it happen.

Collect the Right Products and Tools

This is the first thing you need to do to get your bathroom clean in less than 10 minutes. You only need to collect six products. These are

  1. A foaming bathroom cleaner (example: Scrubbing Bubbles)
  2. A multi-surface cleaner (example: Windex Multi-Surface Cleaner)
  3. A mildew-eliminating product (example: X-14)
  4. All microfiber cloth (example: TIDDOX® MicroMAX microfiber cloths)
  5. A toilet brush
  6. All-purpose paper towels (example: Bounty)

If you didn’t know what these products actually do, allow me to explain. Scrubbing bubbles is a foaming bathroom cleaner that will help you scrub unwanted buildups in bathrooms from soap, shampoo, residue from hairspray, etc. The multi-surface cleaner like the Windex Multi-Surface Cleaner cleans glass and all the chrome fixtures, faucets, granite and marble surfaces, and the mildew-eliminating product helps you clean the grout, without scrubbing. The microfiber cloth and paper towels are ideal for cleaning and wiping, and you will need a toilet brush is needed to scrub the toilet bowl.

Spray Scrubbing Bubbles in your bathtub, toilet bowl, and sink

To be more efficient, spray Scrubbing Bubbles on the surface of your sink, tub, toilet bowl and its surrounding surfaces. Wait for 3-5 minutes for the formula to work its magic on the surface grime. Don’t spray too much, a thin layer of this foam cleaner will do. Also, make sure not to spray Scrubbing Bubbles on the plastic sections of your bathroom fixtures as it can cause discoloration. An expert, Dusty Maids Cleaning of Houston advises to use a
multi-surface cleaner on those parts.

Wipe the Mirror(s) and Exterior of Your Toilet with an All -Surface Cleaner

Spray some all-surface cleaner (Windex Multi-Surface Cleaner) on your microfiber cloth or paper towels and start polishing the surfaces of the mirror and toilet. While wiping the toilet, start from the top and work your way down. Don’t forget to clean the underside of the toilet as this is something most people neglect. Use more surface cleaner if needed. Another thing many people don’t do while cleaning the toilet is the space between the bowl and the tank. We understand why because this is where all your hair tends to collect and it’s gross as hell. So, do it by flipping the seat up.

Wipe clean the pedestal and floor area around the toilet. Lastly, dip your toilet brush in the toilet water and scrub the rim of the bowl and flush it. Having done that; use the microfiber cloth to wipe clean the Scrubbing Bubbles foam off the tub and the sink.

Spray grout and caulk with the mildew-eliminating product

Cleaning the grout can be tedious with all the shower scum that accumulates over time. But, this can be dealt with easily without any scrubbing. Just spray a mildew-eliminating product like X-14 over the grout. Do this at the end. Why, because when grout cleaners like X-14 penetrate the grout, it releases a horrible stench and can be quite overpowering. So, keep your toilet window open, turn on a fan, or even better leave the bathroom, while the X-14 is working its magic. After a couple of minutes, rinse the area with water. No need to wipe.

And you’re done!

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