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Mold Trouble! Hire a Certified Mold Inspection Company Today

mold inspection Charlotte, NC | best mold inspection in NC | mold issue in home

Mold Creates Trouble in Home

Is your home struggling with mold issue? Then it’s an alert and signal to get an inspection done before it creates a big trouble for you.

Buy an UNBIASED Mold Inspection in Charlotte, and all of NC areas. Get an inspection from a company that is featured in the news for mold inspection accuracy, and has a flat rate for service!

Executive Restoration (established in 1987) gives you the REAL results, without an estimate afterwards! They have proven live that they have saved customers MILLIONS of dollars over the past 31 years, from shady up-sell invoices, and incorrect diagnostics. If Executive Restoration does a mold inspection, they won’t do the mold removal. ER helps you find mold experts in your area, as they remain ethical with their “NO UPSELL” approach.

Want a REAL example of what ER is doing VS “industry experts”?

Executive Restoration is A+ rated on Better Business Bureau, and top rated online. You don’t have to worry anymore about your mold inspection result accuracy. Here’s a real picture of their mold inspection services, VS what others are doing in the industry.

David Snell, CEO of Executive Restoration got fed up, hearing about a bait and switch technique that mold removal companies, and restoration companies were doing. SO, he put this to the test.

He did his own sampling, as he is a 31 year veteran certified mold inspector, and remediation in commercial and residential. There was a water damage area of his house; because he figured mildew setup after his roof was damaged, in a hail storm in Charlotte, North Carolina (Mint Hill). After sampling, he found that the problem was not mold, just simply mildew. He knows like other certified experts that mildew can be cleaned with simple household cleaners, and requires no restoration process, unlike toxic mold. So he setup a test study with this to see how many companies in the area would quote him, and who was honest. A similar study was done by a news station in NYC, which is where he got the idea. The results were shocking to him, to say the least!

The very first company he invited into his home, quickly got to work. They discussed with David that his issue will be taken care of, and they will see what can be covered by insurance if the issue turns out to be mold. Shortly after, they took samples using a cotton swab, and told him that his issue looks like a mold problem on first look. After they left, he received a call, and an estimate (same day) that said he had a $5,500 dollar mold problem, in his home!

David continued this process to find that 8 out of 10 people were doing the bait and switch tactic with customers. Ask him yourself! His direct number is 704-545-0098, and he will gladly share whatever information you want on the subject. If you feel like a mold issue is in your home, trust no other than Executive Restoration and access the best mold inspection in Charlotte.

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