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Green Interior Inspiration that will Really Surprise You

green interior design ideas

Photo by Alina Vilchenko from Pexels

Remember the Guillermo Del Toro’s movie, Shape of Water (2017)? If there is one thing that we remember from the movie, it must be the everything-green scenes and screen with Del Toro’s consistent imbuing of green hues throughout the film.

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Yes, the color green represents many things. It can represent a sense of progression, safety and fertility, but it can also represent a sense of illness and greed. Due to the many interpretations, no wonder why the color green is used a lot in interiors. In interior design, green is usually considered as a tool to bring harmony and balance to the surroundings, also sense of renewal and freshness. To the extreme, let’s look interiors that are mainly and predominantly green!

1. Sony’s Office Amsterdam

The Sony’s Amsterdam office, a 700 sqm space designed by Space Encounters, definitely embodies green. The color green is present in a lot of surfaces: the ceiling, the furniture, the pots, carpet, hints of it on the floor, and not to forget the plants that complement the whole thing and tie everything together in harmony. Is it too much green? We think the interior does a great job in achieving balance through a combination of different shapes and forms, that in the end it does nothing more than starting a conversation and sparking creativity and comfort at the same time in
the space.

2. Bar Botanique

Bar Botanique in East Amsterdam by Studio Modijefsky has green ceiling, green walls, and green railings, paired with bronze and brown and actual greens for a lively and fresh scene.

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Dark green makes for a more moody, masculine, yet still elegant interior, especially when paired with dark wood / bronze / gold. One of the most common places to place it in a house interior is in the kitchen.

3. Yu Yuan Restaurant

Last but not least is an emerald green that accentuates a sense of luxury. Take the exotic Yu Yuan Restaurant at Four Season Seoul.

The Emerald color, by nature, boosts harmony and balance. However, it can be very powerful and a little bit dark, especially when being places inside restaurants and bars paired with a marble floor and wooden partition.

Image credit: Pinterest

We often encountered Asian fine dining restaurants using emerald colors, as it is inevitable. Be it the upholstered seating, the table clothing, or the wallpaper; it enhances intimacy and privateness and a little bit mysterious yet inevitable at the same time!

Come across some more green interior inspirations? Hit us up! Or you can simply search for more here.

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