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Crazy moves: Cost of Moving A House to new Location

home moving to new location

Moving out of a house is always accompanied by a lot of hassle associated with packing, taking out furniture and appliances. Then it all has to be moved into the new house and put in its proper place. But it’s nothing compared to the way Tim Brown moved with his old house.

He spent years preparing to move his house seven blocks in San Francisco by .

History of the Englander House

Brown purchased Englander House in 2013 for $2.6 million.

Year of built 1882
Space 5,000 square feet of space
Style Victorian Italianate style
Original owners Theresa and Max Englander

The owner was more interested in the lot. He wanted to build a multi-story house on it. At the same time to destroy the old house also did not want, so Brown decided to move it to a new place to give him a new life.

Getting prepared to move

Preparations for the move took eight years. Brown had to coordinate the move with the San Francisco authorities. They removed street lights, parking lots, fenced off sidewalks, cut down tree branches, removed traffic signs, and blocked traffic along the route of the house.

The house itself had to be disconnected from all utilities. In all, Brown obtained 15 different permits and spent $400,000 on the move.

Unusual moving of an entire house

The move lasted all day, with the truck traveling very slowly and carefully.

At 6 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 21, 2021, the first onlookers began to show up outside the house early in the morning. A total of about 600 people watched the move, not counting the people who looked out the windows of their houses.

At 7:17 the house was loaded onto a hydraulic trailer, previously removed from the foundation, and the truck began to drive slowly and carefully to the new address.

Its speed did not exceed 1 mph. This was due not only to the unusual cargo but also to the fact that a large team of workers walked around the car, who guided the driver and made sure that the house did not hit other objects and buildings.

Transportation was complicated by the length of the house, which is 24 meters, and the descents of the route of 900 meters.

The truck had to make three turns, and that was the hardest part of the entire move.

The first turn from Franklin Street to Golden Gate Avenue took an hour. The house was barely able to turn around at the intersection. It was separated from the other houses by several inches.

During the turns, the whole crowd watched nervously as the house lurched in different directions. But it did not fall off the trailer and was delivered to its new location.

It was not without unexpected complications. Workers had to cut additional branches to keep the house from snagging.

At the new location

The antique Victorian-era house is now at 635 Fulton Street. Next to it is the former morgue building.

The mortuary had to be moved 4.2 feet to fit the house into the lot. Brown plans to convert the morgue and the house into a 7-unit apartment complex. An 8-story apartment building with 48 apartments will be built on the old site.

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