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The Basic Facts About Silestone Worktops


Silestone is a beautiful material made from 94 percent natural quartz, which makes it extremely sturdy and resilient. It is also an high-quality surface for kitchen worktops, floors, bathrooms, as well as wall cladding by utilizing the minimum number of joints.

About the worktop:

Silestone is a natural Quartz meant to use for bathroom and kitchen decoration from a procedure that provides visual aspect, a wide range of rich colours, exceptional textures and spectacular properties.

Acid and Scratch Resistant

Quartz is one of the hardest minerals in the world, which makes Silestone worktops very durable, with a high level of resistance to any external aggressions.

Stain Resistant

Silestone is a non-porous material and is also highly resistant to stains from vinegar, wine, coffee, olive oil, lemon juice, makeup and a whole lot more products that can easily damage other worktop material.

Impact Resistant

This worktop’s high impact resistance transcends any other similar products made up from other solid surfaces (such as Granite). This important feature warrants safety in your kitchen, especially when handling hard and heavy kitchen objects, such as pots and pans.

This resistance is achieved thanks to its polyester resin elasticity, its quartz hardness, and its vibro-compression system utilized during its manufacture.

Colour Assistant

Silestone worktops are now widely obtainable in more than 90 different colours, which means that there is a Silestone colour meant for your theme or design in mind. With three different textures to combine; namely suede, polished, and volcano, there could be endless design possibilities to which you can achieve!

Try out this wonderful worktop for yourself and experience its wondrous beauty!

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