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5 Ways to Choose the Perfect Beddings for Summer Season

Master Bedroom decor

Summer season calls for ditching the warm flannel bedding and taking out those crisp cotton bedsheets, light weight comforters, and fancy pillow covers. The right choice of bedding can aid you to get a good night’s sleep thereby helping you to stay fresh and active all day long. Whereas choosing the wrong summer beddings can make you toss and turn with unease, making it too hot to sleep. Therefore it is recommended that you should opt for comfortable beddings according to the season that makes you feel relaxed and cool instead of making you feel hot and uneasy. This article will enlist five ways to help you choose the perfect beddings for the season of summer.

1. Opt for natural fibers

Bedsheets made from natural fibers are more breathable as compared to those made from synthetic fibers. Natural fibers such as those of cotton and linen encourage ventilation and keep you cool throughout the night whereas synthetic fibers do not allow the air to cross thereby making you feel hot and uneasy. Therefore, with the summer season at its peak, you should choose such materials for beddings that have natural cooling effect and feel good on the skin, making you enjoy a sound sleep.

2. Check the weight of the sheets

In spite of the fact that sateen and silk sheets are light in weight, they have a tendency to trap heat because they wrap close to your body and do not allow the air to cross thus making you perspire more. Whereas, the sheets made from percale are heavier and crisper, but as they allow ventilation they give you a comfortable and a cooling effect. Therefore, making them the excellent choice for summer beddings. Moreover, heavyweight sheets are strong and durable.

3. Stay away from the thread count hype

The majority of the people while purchasing summer beddings get caught up in the hype of checking the thread count, they think that high-quality beddings mean higher number of thread count, but this is not the case. Ideally, it is recommended that you should choose the fabric with 300-400 thread count for the season of summer, any higher number will increase the insulating property making you feel hot and uncomfortable. While purchasing the fabric, it is best to feel the fabric in order to test if is it comfortable for your skin or not.

4. Go for light colors

Dark colors absorb the light and dissipate heat whereas the light colors are well known for their reflecting properties and creating a cooling effect. Therefore, while choosing your summer beddings go for white or light colored sheets that give you comfort and refreshing feeling.

5. Cool Comforters

You need to opt wisely while buying the comforters for the summer season. The natural fabric and light weight of the comforters give them due weightage over the traditional comforters and makes it use cozy and comfortable. Moreover, the natural fiber of the comforter has the ability to beat the heat and make you enjoy a peaceful sleep.

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