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5 Tips For Routine Maintenance of Home Air Conditioner

The coils, filters and fins of an air-conditioner require time-to-time maintenance, so that it can run effectively and efficiently through the years. Though in the early years of its implementation, the air conditioner will keep running without much maintenance, but a routine maintenance scheme will keep it steady for a long time. Here are 5 important tips that will help you improve the efficiency of the air conditioner.

1. Maintenance of the filter:

It’s important to change the filter from time to time (usually at alternate five months). But, be careful that you cannot let the routine maintenance regime slide to the back of your mind; otherwise you might need to replace the filter with a new one as it will eventually run out with negligence of the maintenance regime.

2. Cleaning of the vents:

A regular dusting on a routine basis helps in keeping the vents at the right condition. Over a period of time, dust accumulates in the vents, which clogs the area, thus leading to a severe damage to the air-conditioners. But, cleaning it on a regular basis helps it free from dust. Usually three to six cleaning in a year is highly recommended. If you can’t do it yourself, consider hiring a professional air conditioning services provider to clean the air ducts and vents.

3. Check the condensing unit from time to time:

Often the condensing units get blocked as it squeezes air and dust along with it. Hence, it needs to be uncovered and the closet needs a thorough cleaning. It is also important to take out time to read and follow the instructions before cleaning the condensing unit.

4. Take a note of the Freon levels:

Keep in mind that the air conditioner cannot consume the Freon coolant. Hence, under the ideal conditions, the Freon has to be properly filled or changed. However, take a note that you would need a HVAC tech check to ensure that there’s no leakage (especially with older models) or other irregularity. It should be included in the annual routine maintenance plan.

5. Miscellaneous checking:

Now, all things said and done, what’s left out is a miscellaneous checking plan. A professional service provider will check everything along with the electrical and coils in order to ensure that these are in top shape. With the help of a professional HVAC tech check, you can also calibrate your thermostat.

Finally, keep in mind that it’s all about regular cleaning and performing a professional check up of your AC units. It helps maintaining quality and lengthens its lifespan.

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